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Genetic and environmental influences on total plasma homocysteine and its role in coronary artery disease risk

Published on 2 October 2023
Genetic and environmental influences on total plasma homocysteine and its role in coronary artery disease risk
Date de publication 
Ghassibe-Sabbagh M, Platt DE, Youhanna S, Abchee AB, Stewart K, Badro DA, Haber M, Salloum AK, Douaihy B, el Bayeh H, Othman R, Shasha N, Kibbani S, Chammas E, Milane A, Nemr R, Kamatani Y, Hager J, Cazier JB, Gauguier D, Zalloua PA and Consortium F
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Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.02.035

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